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A black t-shirt featuring a black-and-white image of a man standing with a guitar. The man is dressed in dark clothing and is positioned centrally within a rectangular frame on the shirt, with the name "David Gilmour" displayed below the image.
A black t-shirt featuring the words "LUCK and STRANGE" prominently displayed at the top, followed by city names: "ROME," "LONDON," "LOS ANGELES," and "NEW YORK," in a vertical arrangement. Below the text, there is an outline of a person standing with arms outstretched.
A black t-shirt featuring a black-and-white image of a man standing with a guitar. The man is dressed in dark clothing and is positioned centrally within a rectangular frame on the shirt, with the name "David Gilmour" displayed below the image.
A black t-shirt featuring the words "LUCK and STRANGE" prominently displayed at the top, followed by city names: "ROME," "LONDON," "LOS ANGELES," and "NEW YORK," in a vertical arrangement. Below the text, there is an outline of a person standing with arms outstretched.

David Gilmour Luck and Strange Double Sided Tour T-Shirt

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Webstore Exclusive David Gilmour Luck and Strange Double Sided Tour T-Shirt.

We are kicking off the David Gilmour Luck and Strange Tour with a webstore exclusive double sided tour t-shirt, featuring a black and white photo of David Gilmour on the front, and a list of the tour locations on the back.